Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beginning a Stricter 30 Day

Aloha Cavepeoples!

So, I have done two 30 day challenges in the past with the first one being a huge success and the second one... well lets just say I had Paleo Sweet Potato fries every other day, I was eating Paleo "treats" and was not keeping up with my workouts due to some issues. So I am planning a 30 day starting in October. (Kathryn, I think you were thinking this as well?)

So my first question I have for you is... Do you have a 30 day meal plan that works best for you? Do you allow Paleo Margaritas and treats or do you strictly go with meats, veggies, nuts and fats with the occasional fruits? Do you also attach a training plan? Robb Wolf's 30 day bores me to some extent, Everyday Paleo's is pretty good but far too geared towards a family routine (I'm alone and work), and I have not looked into the Whole9's 30 day plan (if they have one).

Second question: When you end up cheating or doing the 80/20 method after a 30 day... what symptoms do you have or reactions do you notice- if any? Or maybe its all or nothing?

Mahalos & Love to my Foodie Friends :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Snacks and Avoiding Temptation in the Office

I'm sure it's happened to us all: your boss' daughter made cookies and they're still warm from the oven when they land on your desk. Or, you keep eyeing that candy jar in your coworkers office thinking how chocolate could sooth over that horrible disaster you experienced that morning. Let's not forget office parties or the lunch meetings, where the pickings of "Real Food" are very slim. So, how do you fight temptation? How do you approach these situations and say "no thank you" to substances that will not fuel your body properly?

It's well known in my office that I like to eat healthy. I often get picked on by my boss when he walks by my office and eyes the carrot sticks, jerky or cinnamon apple slices on my desk. He claims he is a "fruit and bread guy himself"...meaning, he'll down a couple of Nutrigrain bars or Poptarts for breakfast and lunch.

It's also known in my building that I have the office to visit for a quick snack. Some offices have free coffee and water available to their employees-we have that and a supply of free m&ms-that just so happens to live on top of my filing cabinet. These sugar-loaded-taste-of-my-childhood treats are my boss' favorite candy. Hey, I'll do anything to make the boss man happy as it makes my life better!

So, what did I do to stay grounded amidst the ridicule and chocolate stash in my office?
I started bringing in alternative snacks. Beside the m&ms, I put a jar of raw almonds. I bring in extra fruit and offer it to coworkers headed for the chocolate. My favorite offering has been "Cotton Candy Grapes". That's right, grapes grown in CA that taste just like cotton candy; they're a great conversation starter and they often deter away from the junk. Offering healthy food rubs off. I smile when I see fresh blueberries in the place of ramen noodles in one coworkers office. I love when people visit my office to tell me of their farmers market finds. Rather than give into temptation, I found it better to inspire others and to eat what you want, not what others expect you to eat.

So, how do you do it? Have you ever been in a food crisis in which you were afraid of feeling rude because of your paleo lifestyle?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fuel for a [Really] Long Workout

Continuing the conversation from yesterday...
What vitamins, etc. do you take? None?

What do you think about this product (Nuun)? http://www.nuun.com/what_is_nuun/nutrition_and_ingredients/

Electrolyte tab, no added sugar... not something to take with breakfast every morning, but seems like the least evil solution for replenishment while out on long ride. Can't do saltwater like Dan suggested.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

From Denn!

So, I'm the new happy owner of two kittens (Gisele and Tom Brady). I had an interesting discussion with the vet yesterday afternoon:

Gisele has had some tummy troubles since bringing her home (we're talking bouts of diarrhea, blood in her stool, and huge amounts of gas. Its shocking what smells can come from a 4 lb cat). The vet immediately asked me what food she was on. I said the food the shelter gave me, I was told stick with it for a while. My very smart vet tsked and told me to go home and check out the first 4 ingredients. If the first 4 are meat, I was headed in the right direction. Second, she told me to check out the sodium content-make sure its low-just like a person's should be. The daily amount of sodium given to small kittens should not be equal to a 150 lb person.

So, the solution? My cats are paleo! Thats right! Gluten free kittens! Plus, my vet recommended it! I was told to "stay away from dry food. Your cat will get obese quick (hmm corn, wheat much?!) Wet food is pure protein. Dry food is ok as a treat on occasion"

The best part of this is how loving my kittens have been since changing their food. Tom, whom we once thought was just a picky grazer, totally demolished a healthy can of recommended food along side Gisele. Our little lady has been prancing around and tummy issue free all day. Even after their surgeries yesterday, both are energetic, social and very happy cats.

The moral: paleo isn't just for people. Sugar, salt, tons of wheat and corn are not staples of most creatures god-designed diets. Eat real food. End of story.

Less clutter than email!

Hi Guys -

I've set this blog up, and hopefully invited you all so we can post recipes, stories, etc. about paleo. My parents and non-paleo friends and colleagues are sick of talking about it so this could be a nice outlet. plus, i email you all individually about paleo, so might as well join forces :)